Frequently asked Questions

Yes, we are FDA plant number 34611

Yes, we are registration number 7812 with the Indiana Department of Health

All customers must sign an NDA. 

Chargers for R&D depend on the products and whether or not we are creating something from scratch. 

Pricing is given per project once we see recipes. We are not the cheapest, because we run small batches and are hands on to stay true to the recipes. Most plants will be 100 gallons or more per product, the most we would be is 40 gallon. 

Yes, all customers can be with us when we are cooking. 

Yes, you can take photos and videos.

We can help with the nutrition label if it is a product we have done before. Otherwise, the customer is responsible for creating a nutrition label. 

Labels are to be provided by customers. 

Payment is due when the order is picked up. 

We use raw ingredients that the customer specs out. 

We do not have sales leads or ways to open doors for you. 

Shelf life on most products is 2 years 

We keep a file on all production for the FDA

Our insurance covers food liability. 

We are a union shop local 707

We are not USDA organic certified, but we can make organic products and label them as organic without the USDA label.